Monday, November 5, 2012

Matthew Mead's Holiday

THE BEST THING about the holidays is good company. It's that most wonderful time of the year when we make it a point to decorate our homes, bake cakes and cookies and celebrate merrily. Matthew Mead and I found good company in each other and he has gifted me this year with an 8-page feature in both issues of this season's Matthew Mead's Holiday magazine and expanded bookazine.

In the spirit of the season, Matthew is offering two bookazines for The Decorated Tree to give away! All you have to do is like The Decorated Tree Facebook page. If you've already liked my Facebook page, let me know you've also visited Matthew's site by leaving a comment in the comments section of this post. I will have a drawing to announce the two lucky winners on November 22nd (Thanksgiving day).

SINCE THIS BLOG called The Decorated Tree was begun on August 17, 2009, it has fast become less of a hobby and more of a creative pursuit. This is my 88th blog post, but it announces my first magazine article. I've designed hundreds of magazine articles over the course of my career, but never have been the subject of one! It's truly incredible to be in such good company in the pages of Matthew Mead's Holiday!

THIS IS JUST A TEASER of much more to be found in the sumptuous pages of this year's edition of Matthew Mead's Holiday. And The Decorated Tree is elated to be a part of it!

THE DECORATED TREE | The opening spread of The Decorated Tree's article featuring trees from several of my blog posts including the two you see here from Winter Wish (above, also) and a closeup of the cover tree photo from my book The Decorated Tree.
COOL, CALM, & COLLECTED | Hostess Sally McElroy offers a full holiday menu with a sweet ending of Double Chocolate Cookies and Perfect Chocolate Ganache—two ways.

GIFTS FROM NATURE | Matthew Mead and his wife Jenny open their home in the pages of the magazine—a beautifully pared-back elegance ushers in the holiday season.
HOLIDAY COOKIES | These cookies get royal treatment in the pages of Matthew Mead's Holiday. The recipe for Cardomom-Black Pepper Trees with Juniper Icing is worth the price alone of the expanded 256-page edition! If you have no other cookie this season, this is the one! But there are at least 20-more cookie recipes to choose from! 
CHRISTMAS PRESENT | Executive Editor Linda McDonald opens her doors of her holiday home to share her approach to celebrating simply. Delicious cakes, cake bites, trifles and such are their celebratory foods for the season.
WINTER WREATHS | Wrapped in tradition, Matthew's enduring wreath story presents eight ideas for making your own to last through the season.

The Decorated Tree collecting, photography and styling by Darryl Moland,
magazine spread photos and styling by Matthew Mead.


  1. For some reason, Darryl, your blog disappeared from my reading list, only to reappear when I was switched over to the new version of blogger. It's great to catch up with what you've been doing, and lovely news that you have an article published too - you deserve it!!

    1. Since you're one of the only two that remotely followed directions for the giveaway for a copy of Matthew Mead's Holiday magazine by commenting here, you win a copy! Please send me your snail mail address by email and I'll make sure that Matthew gets you your copy! Send to

  2. Just bought Matthew's magazine and your ebook from Blurb. It looks fantastic. I've always wanted to decorate with twig trees. I'm inspired by all the varieties of trees in your book.

    Looking forward to putting my own spin on one for Christmas. Congratulations on your feature in Matthew's magazine.

    1. Since you're one of the only two that remotely followed directions for the giveaway for a copy of Matthew Mead's Holiday magazine by commenting here, you win a copy! Please send me your snail mail address by email and I'll make sure that Matthew gets you your copy! Send to
